Rights and Responsibilities of Randolph College Students with Disabilities
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act States:
“No otherwise qualified individual with disabilities in the United States shall, solely by reason of his/her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”
Students with disabilities at Randolph College have the right to:
- be treated with respect and dignity and receive equal and fair treatment
- equal access to educational and co-curricular programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities available through the College
- receive reasonable, necessary, and appropriate accommodations in a timely manner
- confidentiality in all matters of documentation and educational record
Students with disabilities at Randolph College have the responsibility to:
- self-disclose to Access Services in order to initiate the accommodation process
- provide appropriate documentation of a disability to Access Services, if requested.
- request accommodations in a timely manner from Access Services to ensure that they are in place as soon as possible
- meet with the Coordinator of Access Services and obtain an Academic Accommodations Letter for the current semester
- meet with faculty to review the Academic Accommodations Letter and discuss accommodation needs
- understand that academic accommodations are not retroactive and begin only after faculty receives a copy of the Academic Accommodations Letter
- notify Access Services as soon as possible if assistance is needed with accommodation- related issues
- follow established procedures for testing through Access Services
- notify Access Services if textbooks or other printed material, enlarged or otherwise formatted, are needed
- update documentation with Access Services, if required
- contact Access Services with any classroom accessibility issues that cannot be solved independently